The reason why I think Muaythai as the best in martial arts is because, the ultimate aim of every martial art is the make one defend himself in the streets. I firmly believe martial arts is not about winning medals or posing Hifi kicks, there are only part and self motivational techniques to go further, if we are simply winning and posing for photos be sure you are going no further. Muaythai is a combination of kicks including kicks below the belt + punches to the face including elbow strikes which makes it deadly. Though many martial arts include punches to the face and knee kicks they don't apply it while practicing sparring. You cannot replicate a street fight sessions no matter what you do, I will make it short. why Muaythai is the best because 1.It lets you use boxing punches 2. You can kick below the waist (not groin) 3. you can use your elbows, (naturally you expect your opponent in the streets to do all this right? or will you can tell him that punching in the face and kicks below my belt foul!) :) finally 4. Simple non-complicated moves, simple moves are the best because at the time your Aldrin is riding high there is no guarantee that you will be remembering that magic, fancy moves which is best used in movies!, you should be finishing it quickly and move on, Imagine your body as a building, in muaythai they target the basement with knee kicks and the top floor with boxing punching, you cannot avoid boxing punches when you talking about realistic self defense, in muaythai they use the technique K.I.S.S which is nothing but Keeping It Super Simple! the moves are short and damn effective and they practice it on and on and on and on... joints are the key areas which one is used to attack and defend Boxing punches are very essential to be street effective fights, if you have at least witnessed a street fight you will know why its so important, a rogue will have no idea how to kick but definitely he will punch, won't be technically right put if your bring your face before his wild swinging fist you could be knocked down in quickly, once you start practicing boxing punches (even with a head guard) you will be a better fighter, a complete fighter. or else you should be practicing something like Kyokushin Kai! in spite of avoiding boxing punches they are deadly too but still they use knee kicks :). Anything in the full contact format is the best if you want to defend you self. remember this if you have chosen martial arts to defend yourself in the streets. Muaythai is practical, street effective and easy to use and Art of eight limbs is one of the best, once you have decided to learn Muaythai be careful in selecting a club there are lots of Martial art teachers who promises to teach Muaythai, make sure that they are have been into Muaythai especially if you are a beginner! you will have no clue if you are completely knew to martial art its likely that you will be deceived easily. There are masters who are ready to teach anything "new" lol.. wheather its Kickboxing Muaythai or any other emerging art they will quickly cash in , so beware. Read my blog on "Fake Masters"
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