Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hunting Cowered

"If a man kills an animal its hunting and if an animal does the same its an attack"

Hunting has been one of the most celebrated activity or adventure or a time pass or what ever you may call a manly thing to do in our society. Which was started as rich man's hobby still continues to lobby around in our society. I am glad that after some actors getting caught more attention has been given to this subject. "If a man kills an animal its hunting and if an animal does the same its an attack" One shouldn't forget that its we who are enlarging over society and not the animals, so if you decided to stay in forest (which many villagers do) you should be ready for the attack and you shouldn't be complaining on an animal attack because its you who have choosed to live with them. Tigers attacking villagers is news which we hear again and again its because we have entered their boundaries and mostly it would be in the middle of their route to the river or something else.. its we who are disturbing the tigers or some other animals that takes the blame at the end of the day. If he is so thrilled to prove his manly skills he should be doing it in a MMA ring, if he wants to show his accuracy it should be done in the shooting alley or in the archery circuit. Killing an animal and posing with it is nothing short of a cowardly act

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