Sunday, December 20, 2009

Change the Climate Change

Climate change has been the biggest threat for the human existence, bigger than the terror attacks, if we are to continue to avoid addressing this threat the world might not be a better place for you and for me. The energy which we release through automobile, computers, Air conditions and other electronic items which WE have to use unfortunately in our daily lives are the main reason behind this. Its not possible to avoid these cool gadgets and a rewind but we can definitely slow down the global warming by reducing the emission released through our own things, the impact might be very little but defiantly it will be counted and remember every bit counts so why not do it for the better. If you have no idea what GLOBAL WARMING is I can put in simple words, by the use of automobiles and electronic items we increase the average climate of our earth, by increasing the temperature the glaciers of the Himalayas, the icy landscapes of the Antarctica and the North poles will start melting and this will result in the increase of sea level. We know that 75% of earth is covered by water and by the increasing the water in sea level we will be doing it 100% !! Lands in the coastal regions will be the first to hit but the increase will make sure that every piece of land on earth is under water. For a frighting experience of this watch movies like "The day after tomorrow" and "Flood" passing our planet to the next generation safely or making it a complete mess lies in our hands, don't expect every one to follow but please make sure that you are following. some of the simple thins that we can do to delay global warming is traveling in public transport, bicycling to the next street rather than using our bikes, switching off lights which we don't use, making sure that no needless lights are switched on once we leave home, repairing our taps which will save gallons of water. Average person produces 26 tonnes of CO2 per year !

Deforestation causes nearly 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year, and it is responsible for almost 25 % of CO2 emissions created by us "A 25 year old pine tree absorbs 6.82kg or 0.00682 tonnes of CO2 per year." on an average 7.5 to 13 kg per year, planting a tree makes a big difference

Blackle is a Google product which is nothing but a search engine with Google's efficiency with a black background
" - Saving energy one search at a time". this might help a little bit but it definitely helps, please use this instead of Google, use loose nothing and this is the main reason I decided to change my blog color to black, it might be pissing in the ocean but I believe I can make a change. In this time of the year the developed and the poor countries of the world are blaming each other for the climate change, but please understand that every human on his own can make a change

To contribute to delay global warming visit

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