Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy 2010
Wishing every one a great NEW YEAR, let us together cut down the emission and let us give our planet more life, lets GO GREEN. I request every one to plant a tree this month. Together we can, its much much easier than riding a bike
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The reason why I think Muaythai as the best in martial arts is because, the ultimate aim of every martial art is the make one defend himself in the streets. I firmly believe martial arts is not about winning medals or posing Hifi kicks, there are only part and self motivational techniques to go further, if we are simply winning and posing for photos be sure you are going no further. Muaythai is a combination of kicks including kicks below the belt + punches to the face including elbow strikes which makes it deadly. Though many martial arts include punches to the face and knee kicks they don't apply it while practicing sparring. You cannot replicate a street fight sessions no matter what you do, I will make it short. why Muaythai is the best because 1.It lets you use boxing punches 2. You can kick below the waist (not groin) 3. you can use your elbows, (naturally you expect your opponent in the streets to do all this right? or will you can tell him that punching in the face and kicks below my belt foul!) :) finally 4. Simple non-complicated moves, simple moves are the best because at the time your Aldrin is riding high there is no guarantee that you will be remembering that magic, fancy moves which is best used in movies!, you should be finishing it quickly and move on, Imagine your body as a building, in muaythai they target the basement with knee kicks and the top floor with boxing punching, you cannot avoid boxing punches when you talking about realistic self defense, in muaythai they use the technique K.I.S.S which is nothing but Keeping It Super Simple! the moves are short and damn effective and they practice it on and on and on and on... joints are the key areas which one is used to attack and defend Boxing punches are very essential to be street effective fights, if you have at least witnessed a street fight you will know why its so important, a rogue will have no idea how to kick but definitely he will punch, won't be technically right put if your bring your face before his wild swinging fist you could be knocked down in quickly, once you start practicing boxing punches (even with a head guard) you will be a better fighter, a complete fighter. or else you should be practicing something like Kyokushin Kai! in spite of avoiding boxing punches they are deadly too but still they use knee kicks :). Anything in the full contact format is the best if you want to defend you self. remember this if you have chosen martial arts to defend yourself in the streets. Muaythai is practical, street effective and easy to use and Art of eight limbs is one of the best, once you have decided to learn Muaythai be careful in selecting a club there are lots of Martial art teachers who promises to teach Muaythai, make sure that they are have been into Muaythai especially if you are a beginner! you will have no clue if you are completely knew to martial art its likely that you will be deceived easily. There are masters who are ready to teach anything "new" lol.. wheather its Kickboxing Muaythai or any other emerging art they will quickly cash in , so beware. Read my blog on "Fake Masters"
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Change the Climate Change

Climate change has been the biggest threat for the human existence, bigger than the terror attacks, if we are to continue to avoid addressing this threat the world might not be a better place for you and for me. The energy which we release through automobile, computers, Air conditions and other electronic items which WE have to use unfortunately in our daily lives are the main reason behind this. Its not possible to avoid these cool gadgets and a rewind but we can definitely slow down the global warming by reducing the emission released through our own things, the impact might be very little but defiantly it will be counted and remember every bit counts so why not do it for the better. If you have no idea what GLOBAL WARMING is I can put in simple words, by the use of automobiles and electronic items we increase the average climate of our earth, by increasing the temperature the glaciers of the Himalayas, the icy landscapes of the Antarctica and the North poles will start melting and this will result in the increase of sea level. We know that 75% of earth is covered by water and by the increasing the water in sea level we will be doing it 100% !! Lands in the coastal regions will be the first to hit but the increase will make sure that every piece of land on earth is under water. For a frighting experience of this watch movies like "The day after tomorrow" and "Flood" passing our planet to the next generation safely or making it a complete mess lies in our hands, don't expect every one to follow but please make sure that you are following. some of the simple thins that we can do to delay global warming is traveling in public transport, bicycling to the next street rather than using our bikes, switching off lights which we don't use, making sure that no needless lights are switched on once we leave home, repairing our taps which will save gallons of water. Average person produces 26 tonnes of CO2 per year !
Deforestation causes nearly 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year, and it is responsible for almost 25 % of CO2 emissions created by us "A 25 year old pine tree absorbs 6.82kg or 0.00682 tonnes of CO2 per year." on an average 7.5 to 13 kg per year, planting a tree makes a big difference
Blackle is a Google product which is nothing but a search engine with Google's efficiency with a black background " - Saving energy one search at a time". this might help a little bit but it definitely helps, please use this instead of Google, use loose nothing and this is the main reason I decided to change my blog color to black, it might be pissing in the ocean but I believe I can make a change. In this time of the year the developed and the poor countries of the world are blaming each other for the climate change, but please understand that every human on his own can make a change
To contribute to delay global warming visit GreenPeace
Saturday, December 19, 2009
God INC.

Some of the Christian Missioners in India are here for pure business and nothing else, free bies are provided for those who are ready to convert into their religion. Education is completely given at free of cost if I am to convert, the strategy resembles the techniques used by some of the business brands in the telecoms sector, if they are really onto wipe out the poverty in a nation like India and other African and poor countries in the south east Asia, and if they are really religious about what they are doing they should have done it regardless of the religion and cast, offering freebies to the one who converts into their religion is selling GOD! they are simply exploiting the poverty and the uneducated masses in countries like India, I am not writing this blog against Christianity and am not a religious fanatic and I have no problems in mingling with the people of any religion or race but there are many converted and converting christian groups in the country who are taking it up as a business like MLM -- Multilevel Marketing. I once met a pastor who was introduced by my friend. He wanted me to just have a chat with him because my friend told me "he is saying that all other religion other than his religion is evil" and he felt that I chatting with him will make the topic interesting. After introducing my self to him, the first question he asked was "what is your idea about god?" I replied "our mind is our god" he was confused and later I explained my perception about god, but he then started to give lectures on what is God? why should we all be converted into Christianity, I was debating and arguing with him on every point he made. At the end he had to go home since it was getting late, the next day my friend told me that the pastor has told his mom that I have evil spirits inside me and its that spirit which was doing all the talking. After a week I had a discussion with him regarding evil spirits and he told me that he had just made a man free from evil spirits a few hours back and he claimed that he was able to sense evil spirits, so I made him to play in PeterAnswers dot com, which is a spooky site but a prank one too because if I will get a valid answer on what thing I ask on that site, THE RULE is there would be a petition box in which I have to type "peter, please answer the following question" and below there will be question boxing where I have to type the question which I want. For example one can ask "what is my name" what is the colour of my t shirt" what is my profession?" and strangle it would be exactly correct because its a prank, the trick lies with the guy who is typing the question in the petition box, so if I want to make my friend a fool I can do that easily by asking question regarding him and I have done that too many of my close friends, they would look puzzled, scared and every one would have a puzzled look in their face. Keeping this in mind I told the pastor that this is a site which predicts everything but he quickly said only God has the power to predict and not any one, then I told him to give it a try, I was typing the question and he asked "who is the creator of the world" I encrypted the answer as "god" he was stunned but told me "see even this software knows the truth" my other friend who knew what was happening told me " I don't belong to your religion but the answer even suits to my religion" then I told him that I will ask his name, he told me that since he was very pure and religious the website won't be able to figure out what is the name but since I knew how to operate the website I had no trouble in entering his name, he was stunned and told me that this website is evil and lots of sacrifice in the form of blood has been given to create this kind of a system. I asked him how does he know that, he told me that he can sense evil, I again asked him is this the same kind of evil which he released a few hours back? he said yes, then after a small debate I told this is nothing but a prank! But the funnier side wasthat he was denying the fact that it is a prank and told me that it is a website of evil, then I explained how it works. He was angry and puzzled and asked us "so where you guys cheating me?" I told this was only to show that he was lying and he had nothing to do with the spirits. He was embarrassed and went away and visited his home only after making sure that we are not present! These are the kind of people who claim that their way is the only way! its nothing more than a source of income for guys like him! I am no religious fanatic, I believe in Jesus as I believe in Krishna and according to my understand the problem between regions arise while converting or comparing one with the other. Religion is interpretation of people who lived in different part of the world, in the middle east its Islam,and in the West its Christianity and in the south east its Buddhism and there are many which have not come out, the interpretation of the people may differ but GOD doesn't. I don't think any atheist has ever destroyed a temple or church, the ugly fight is always between the spiritual masses but the irony is "In God we Trust"
Monday, December 14, 2009
The so called Masters
Kickboxing is not "jumping with Boxing Gloves", that is what some Martial Art clubs do. THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH KICKBOXING OTHER THAN BROWSING YouTube and shouting out loud counts 1 2 3.. I repeat "BEWARE"
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Hunting Cowered

"If a man kills an animal its hunting and if an animal does the same its an attack"
Hunting has been one of the most celebrated activity or adventure or a time pass or what ever you may call a manly thing to do in our society. Which was started as rich man's hobby still continues to lobby around in our society. I am glad that after some actors getting caught more attention has been given to this subject. "If a man kills an animal its hunting and if an animal does the same its an attack" One shouldn't forget that its we who are enlarging over society and not the animals, so if you decided to stay in forest (which many villagers do) you should be ready for the attack and you shouldn't be complaining on an animal attack because its you who have choosed to live with them. Tigers attacking villagers is news which we hear again and again its because we have entered their boundaries and mostly it would be in the middle of their route to the river or something else.. its we who are disturbing the tigers or some other animals that takes the blame at the end of the day. If he is so thrilled to prove his manly skills he should be doing it in a MMA ring, if he wants to show his accuracy it should be done in the shooting alley or in the archery circuit. Killing an animal and posing with it is nothing short of a cowardly act
Monday, December 7, 2009
I am God
I am the ever prevailling truth.
Which doesn't perish with time.
Which doesn't change in its composition.
which doesn't get polluted.
But, which glows with the same divinity in all beings
and I am the one which is eternal.
I am god...
Aham bhramasmi!!
Which doesn't perish with time.
Which doesn't change in its composition.
which doesn't get polluted.
But, which glows with the same divinity in all beings
and I am the one which is eternal.
I am god...
Aham bhramasmi!!
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