Vishwaroopam is banned in Tamil Nadu! that was a real shocker for everyone who thought the worst was over for Kamal Hassan and the film will finally see the light of the day after DTH issue being settled. The reason for the 2 weeks ban is because some groups feel that their religious sentiment being hurt which is very strange cause only Muslims in Tamil Nadu feels that it hurts their religion where is countries like Malaysia and states like Kerala and Hyderabad which has more Muslim population found nothing offending in it. During a press meets Kamal Hassan stressed that this is a Muslim friendly movie and he even said that his mentor Mr.K. Balachandar after watching the movie told him that he never knew that Muslims in Afghanistan had to go through such hardships.
Vishwaroopam has shown facts as it is and that too in a Muslim friendly way and instead of going against movies these groups should be after the Terrorists groups which kills innocents in real life in the name of religion
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