The Shiv Sena's leader Bal Thackery passed away last week and the whole of Mumbai city was brought to a halt. People decided to stay home in fear of violent mobs which the party generally unleashes in the streets of Mumbai. Even the powerful Bollywood which has always been the punching bag for the Shiva Sena, too has so far remained silent except on a few occasions when Shah Rukh Khan decided to release "My name is Khan" in spite of their warning and finally came out victories.
The Shiv Senas are best known all over India for attacking innocent people who turn up in the streets when the announce bandhs, digging the Delhi pitch to show their protest against Pakistani players, attacking shops which advertises Valentin's day, attacking North Indians in Mumbai, breaking News studios and print media houses which reports news against them, to list out a few incidents. They are the self proclaimed saviors of the Mharati manus, yet no one saw them taking up on the terrorists who went rampage in Mumbai on 27/11.
Now lets come back to the shocking news which I heard yesterday, two 21 year girls were arrested by the Mumbai police, one for posting a comment against the shut down and the other for liking it! what a disgrace! is Mumbai, the most celebrated city in India has any control over whats happening in the city or is the Government openly under pressure to flex laws for the powerful? The reality shows that democracy takes a back seat. What crime did these 21 year old girls do? is speaking up against Shiv sena such a crime that they are booked immediately and on the other hand where one of the girl's uncle's hospital was vandilsed by the violent Shiv sena mobs, who are still roaming free!
The people of Mumbai should wake against these brutalities by such groups, only if the younger generation wakes up now and acts against the injustice, we will be free from them or else their legacy will continue to haunt Mumbai, We should act, file complaints and write when they take the city for a ride,
Now lets come back to the shocking news which I heard yesterday, two 21 year girls were arrested by the Mumbai police, one for posting a comment against the shut down and the other for liking it! what a disgrace! is Mumbai, the most celebrated city in India has any control over whats happening in the city or is the Government openly under pressure to flex laws for the powerful? The reality shows that democracy takes a back seat. What crime did these 21 year old girls do? is speaking up against Shiv sena such a crime that they are booked immediately and on the other hand where one of the girl's uncle's hospital was vandilsed by the violent Shiv sena mobs, who are still roaming free!
The people of Mumbai should wake against these brutalities by such groups, only if the younger generation wakes up now and acts against the injustice, we will be free from them or else their legacy will continue to haunt Mumbai, We should act, file complaints and write when they take the city for a ride,
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