Tuesday, December 11, 2012

To Every Indian

A must read letter to every Indian 

Reply to Young Students Tanaya and Aditya - Justice Markandey Katju 

(This is the reply by Justice Katju, after two students issued a legal notice against his 
statement that 90% of Indians are idiots and they can be easily provoked in the name of religion. Though the legal notice appears to be a publicity stunt, Justice Katju's detailed explanation shows why many of us, if not most of us, are idiots.)

Dear Tanaya and Aditya,
I have received your email, and am giving my reply, but before doing so in detail I wish to make some preliminary remarks:

1. I have been misquoted in the press reports, but it is true that I have said that 90% Indians (not all) are fools. My intention in saying so was not to hurt anyone but to awaken people to the realities, that is, the widespread casteism, communalism, superstitions, and other backward traits in the mindset of a large section of our people which is blocking our progress and keeping us poor.

2. The figure 90% is not a mathematical figure, it simply means that in my opinion a large proportion of Indians (and again I repeat, not all) are fools.

3. I never named you, nor any community, caste, or sect, and I never said that you are in the category of 90%. Hence I do not see how you are defamed.

4. I made this comment not to humiliate or harm anyone but because I love the Indian people, they are my people, and I wish them to prosper and have decent lives, which is only possible if the Indian masses develop the scientific outlook and scientific temper and give up casteism, communalism, superstitions and other mental attitudes which a large part (not all) of them presently suffer from. I wish to see India in the front ranks of the advanced industrialized nations of the world, with our people having a high standard of living, instead of suffering from the present evils of massive poverty, unemployment, price rise, corruption, farmer’s suicides, child malnutrition, absence of health care and good education, casteism etc. So you see I made that statement not to harm the Indian people, whom I love, but to benefit them. The truth is sometimes bitter, but sometimes bitter medicine has to be given to an ailing person.

Having said this, I may proceed to give a more elaborate explanation.

I wish to first of all clarify that I do not regard Indians as inherently stupid or foolish. It is only at present that large parts of our people are foolish. But there was a time when we were leading the whole world in science and technology, and India was perhaps the most prosperous country in the world. It is now that we are having bad times, but we had a glorious past and shall have a glorious future too, but for that we have to get rid of casteism, communalism, superstitions and other backward traits in the mentality of a large part of our people (because of which I call them fools).

India’s Past:

With the aid of science we had built mighty civilizations thousands of years ago when most people in Europe( except in Greece and Rome) were living in forests. We had made outstanding scientific discoveries e.g. decimal system in mathematics, plastic surgery in medicine, etc (see in this connection my article ‘Sanskrit as a Language of Science on my blog justickatju.blogspot.in and on the website kgfindia.com). However, we subsequently took to the unscientific path of superstitions and empty rituals, which has led us to disaster. The way out of the present morass is to go back again to the path shown by our scientific ancestors, the path of Aryabhatta and Brahmagupta, Sushrut and Charak, Panini and Patanjali, Ramanujan and Raman.

It is not necessary to mention here all the great achievements of our ancestors, but I may just mention a few.

1. The decimal system in mathematics was the most remarkable and revolutionary invention in the past, and it was created by Indians. To understand its significance, one must know that the ancient Romans, who built a great civilization (The civilization of Caesar and Augustus), felt very uncomfortable with numbers above 1000. This was because they expressed their numbers in alphabets, I standing for 1, V for 5, X for 10, L for 50, C for 100, D for 500, and M for 1000. There was no single alphabet expressing a number above 1000. Hence to write 2000 an ancient Roman had to write MM, to write 3000 he had to write MMM, and to write 1 million he had to write M one thousand times, which would drive him crazy.

On the other hand, our ancestors discovered the number 0, and hence to write 1 million they had simply to put 6 zeros after 1.

2. Plastic surgery was invented by Sushrut 2000 years ago, whereas Europeans invented it only about 100 or 200 years back.

3. The English alphabets are all arranged haphazardly, there is no reason why D is followed by E, or E by F, or F by G, etc. On the other hand Panini in the first 14 sutras of his Ashtadhyayi arranged the alphabets in Sanskrit scientifically. Thus , the first sequence of 5 consonants (the ka varga i.e. ka, kha, ga, gha, na ) are all sounds which emanate from the throat, the second sequence from the middle of the tongue, the third from the roof of the mouth, the fourth from the tip of the tongue, and the fifth from the lips. The second and fourth consonants in each sequence are aspirants in which the sound ‘ha’ is combined with the previous consonant e.g. ka+ha =kha.

4. 5000 years ago in the Indus Valley Civilization the system of town planning was created with straight streets, covered drains, water and sewage system, etc.

Before the coming of the British India was a prosperous country. Its share in world trade in 1700 was about 30%, which fell to 2% by the end of British rule and is still not more than 3%.

India’s Present:

Today there is no doubt that India is a poor country. While there are some pockets of affluence, about 80% of our people are afflicted with poverty, unemployment and other evils, and one major cause of this is the mental backwardness of a large part of our people.
(though there are also brilliant people like the Indian scientists and engineers in Silicon Valley)

Consider the following:

1. When most of our people go to vote they cast their votes on the basis of caste or religion, not the merit of the candidate. What else is the meaning of vote banks? And this is exploited by some unscrupulous politicians who know how to manipulate and manage these vote banks. That is why many persons with criminal backgrounds get elected.

2. ‘Honour’ killings are common in many parts of the country. This is a barbaric practice, and shows how backward many of us still are.

3. Dowry deaths are common in India, and as a former Judge I can tell you that our courts have a large number of cases of young married women who are murdered in a barbaric manner by their in laws for not getting dowry e.g. by pouring petrol on them and setting them on fire.

4. Scheduled castes are still often treated inhumanly, and an example is the recent attack on dalits in Dharmapuri district in Tamil Nadu.

5. Female foeticide is common in many parts of India. Often when a male child is born the relatives are happy and distribute sweets, but when a female child is born often relatives get dejected. This is also a sign of backwardness among many of us.

6. Communalism, which was almost non-existent in 1857, is widespread in our society today. Muslims often face discrimination in getting jobs, houses on rent, etc, as the Justice Sachar Committee report has highlighted. Muslims are often falsely implicated in bomb blasts and they have to spend years in jail though ultimately found innocent.

As I mentioned, upto 1857 communalism was almost non-existent in India. There were no doubt differences between Hindu and Muslims, but there was no enmity between them. In the Mutiny of 1857 Hindus and Muslims jointly fought against the British. After crushing the Mutiny the British decided that the only way to control India was divide and rule. Consequently, the policy came from London to create hatred between Hindus and Muslims. The British Collector used to secretly call the Panditji and gave him money to speak against the Muslims, and similarly he gave money to the Maulvi Saheb to speak against Hindus. All communal riots began after 1857. The communal award in the Minto-Morley ‘Reforms’ of 1909 introduced separate electorates for Hindus and Muslims. Year after year, decade after decade, the communal poison was injected by the British into our body politic, and even after 1947 there are elements which continue this (see online ‘History in the Service of Imperialism’ and my article ‘What is India’ on my blog justicekatju.blogspot.in)

Certain agent provocateurs take advantage of our backwardness to incite communal riots, and unfortunately many people fall prey to these evil designs and get emotionally carried away by communal propaganda and fight with each other.

5. Superstition is rampant in India. Most people believe in astrology, which is pure superstition and humbug. And it is not just the illiterates who believe in it, it is also most of the so called educated people in India. Many Ministers and Judges prefer to take oath of office at the ‘auspicious’ time.
A few years back it was announced that Lord Ganesh is drinking milk, and there was a rush of people to offer milk to Ganesh. Earlier, a ‘miracle’ chapati was circulating.

6. A large section of the media, taking advantage of the backwardness of a large section of our people, dishes out lives of filmstars, cricket, etc as if these are the real issues before the people, when the real issues are socio-economic.

As I said above, when I called most people(not all) fools I did not wish to harm them, rather it was just the contrary. I want India to become a prosperous country, but this is possible only when the mindset of a large number of people changes, and their minds are rid of casteism, communalism, superstitions, and other backward ideas and they become scientific and modern.

By being modern I do not mean wearing a nice suit or a beautiful sari or skirt. By being modern I mean developing a modern mind, which means a rational mind, a scientific mind, and a questioning mind. As already stated above, at one time we led the whole world in science and technology, but today we are undoubtedly far behind the West and even China. How did this happen? Why were we left behind, why did we not have an Industrial Revolution like Europe? This is known as ‘Needham’s Question’ or ‘Needham’s Grand Question’, named after Prof. Joseph Needham of Cambridge University (1900-1995). It is high time Indians try to answer this question, instead of trying to evade the reality of the backwardness of most of us.

The worst thing in life is poverty, and 80% of our people are poor, which is largely because of the mental backwardness of most (not all) of us. To abolish poverty we need to spread the scientific outlook to every nook and corner of our country. It is only then that India will shine. And until that happens the vast majority of our people will continue to be taken for a ride.

Justice Markandey Katju

Friday, November 30, 2012


Finally there some good news from the UN, it has accepted Palestine as an non-member observer state independent state, majority of the countries voted for the resolution. The result was 148-8. Astounding victory for the people of Palestine. I hope this will be the real beginning of peace in the region. Let the violence be in History, let there be peace, let the ammunitions be rotted, let those weapons be in mueasum. I was very much eager to visit Jerusalem and to get immersed in the rich History which it still holds. One day I will be visiting the Gaza strip, West Bank and Jerusalem and telling the younger generations, that this was once a violent place. Looking forward for the visit

the fear factor

The Shiv Sena's leader Bal Thackery passed away last week and the whole of Mumbai city was brought to a halt. People decided to stay home in fear of violent mobs which the party generally unleashes in the streets of Mumbai. Even the powerful Bollywood which has always been the punching bag for the Shiva Sena, too has so far remained silent except on a few occasions when Shah Rukh Khan decided to release "My name is Khan"  in spite of their warning and finally came out victories.                                                              

The Shiv Senas are best known all over India for attacking innocent people who turn up in the streets when the announce bandhs, digging the Delhi pitch to show their protest against Pakistani players, attacking shops which advertises Valentin's day, attacking North Indians in Mumbai, breaking News studios and print media houses which reports news against them, to list out a few incidents. They are the self proclaimed saviors of the Mharati manus, yet no one saw them taking up on the terrorists who went rampage in Mumbai on 27/11. 

Now lets come back to the shocking news which I heard yesterday, two 21 year girls were arrested by the Mumbai police, one for posting a comment against the shut down and the other for liking it! what a disgrace! is Mumbai, the most celebrated city in India has any control over whats happening in the city or is the Government openly under pressure to flex laws for the powerful? The reality shows that democracy takes a back seat. What crime did these 21 year old girls do? is speaking up against Shiv sena such a crime that they are booked immediately and on the other hand where one of the girl's uncle's hospital was vandilsed by the violent Shiv sena mobs, who are still roaming free! 

The people of Mumbai should wake against these brutalities by such groups, only if the younger generation wakes up now and acts against the injustice, we will be free from them or else their legacy will continue to haunt Mumbai, We should act, file complaints and write when they take the city for a ride,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Google Ocean!

Just had a look at Google street version for the Ocean, its mind boggling with amazing clarity. Jus have a look at the couple of screen shot which I took from Google's deep blue sea. Simply amazing! Go through the deep blue sea yourself 


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Muslim response

Even a 15 minutes video of the movie "innocence of a Muslim" will be the most irritating 15 minutes one will ever go through and if you are a Muslims that makes it all the more reason to get irritated, but by the protest people in countries like India, parts of Europe and in other Islamic countries had done nothing useful to convey their point in a civilized manner. On the other hand they have satisfied the very need of the director and the people who made the movie. These protests are building needless tensions to their own governments for something which their government has no role to play and I don't think even the American Government has anything to do with the movie, its only because of a handful of highly jobless idiots in America, that such movie has been viral and the Muslim communities all over the world in the name of protest has only satisfied the need of the stupid porn director. The movie is clearly a "hate" movie and the people behind the making would be loving to see such massive response erupting all over the globe.  

Muslims groups all over the world which attacks the America embassy should understand that whenever there is a terrorist attack, these Muslim associations and groups say that they also should be seen as a victim and not as a participator of the act. When they claim that Innocent people are harrazed in the name of interrogation - only because they are Muslims, I wonder why they failed to see the logic in this case. They are targeting anything American because of one stupid American

In fact the people who acted in the movie dint were also cheated by the director, they were over dubbed the main character's name from George to Muhammed.

What does the American ambassador of Libya has to do with the movie? the innocent ambassador  had to fall prey to the violent mobs which was against the movie, he was killed only because he belonged to the same place where a movie is made which offends Islam! 

If the mob organizers are really the crusaders of the peace then they should have the patience to wait for legal actions against the director of the movie and should understand that the very purpose of such works are to provoke them and to see them irritated and they are doing just that. 

And blocking roads in India and other countries will only bring more harm to the reputation to their religion, if they convinced the American Government is behind the movie that there are many ways to protest in a civilized manner. For example the can boycott american products, they can ask members of their associations to quit American jobs, they would have sent a strong signal to the people all over the world. More than 10,000 Muslims participated a protest in India, blocking traffic and causing problems to the public who had no role to play in disrespecting Mohammed. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Cruel Culture and Religion

"if only one person in the world held down a terrified struggling, screaminglittle girl, cut off her genitals with a septic blade, and swed her back up,leaving only a tiny hole for urine and menstrual flow, the only question wouldbe whether the death penalty would be a sufficiently severe sanction.
But when millions of people do this, instead of enormity being magnifiedmillions-fold, suddenly it beomes "culture", and thereby magically becoes less,rather than more horrible."- Donal Symons 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Bruce Less Vs Karate and The Height of irony

Bruce Lee, the most prominent figure in the Martial arts history was not a Karate master like many like to believe, he was never in favor of Karate, infact in most of his movies you will see him "bashing guys in a Karate dresses. The most famous being he single handedly taking on a bunch of Karate black belts in the movie BIG BOSS" Bruce Lee was a student of Wing Chung, a traditional Kung Fu style 

He challenged all kinds of traditional martial arts later and came up with his very own style "Jeet Kun Do" which was way ahead of its times! it is non-traditional with short moves and completely based on street defense, but today, Karate is the most popular form of Martial art, though slowely being overtaken by MMA and other modern fusion of martial ats and the numero uno reason for that is the way thousands of clubs and masters have projected him as a Karate Master!

In India alone there are thousands of clubs showing Bruce Lee in a Karate Gi in its Ads. This is according to me the height of irony, its like holding a jewish meet and having a picture of a Nazi General! 

Below are some of the most famous fight scene of Bruce Lee ever. One thing you will see in common is "A Karate Black Belt" being bashed all the time

Monday, May 14, 2012

Rajiv Dixit the Blacklisted HERO

I Stumbled upon "Rajiv Dixit" while going through the "Ancient Indian" videos in Youtube. I saw some interesting and stunning revelation by this brave man! He has completely torn apart the image of Nehru, in one of those videos "exposing Nehru" which his one of his most watched or most heard video in YouTube, he clearly explains and proves how Nehru blackmailed Gandhi and other key political leaders to be elected as the prime ministerial candidate! and many other similar stunning facts.

He pursued M.Tech in Satellite Telecommunications from IIT Kanpur and pursued doctorate in telecommunications in France. He worked at CSRI (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) as a Scientist but ultimately resigned from his job TO SPREAD THE GREATNESS OF INDIA!

He has lectured by giving clear explanation on various things which every Indian should be aware of like India's history (told and untold) the politicians who betrayed the nation, the monopoly of the developed countries, methods to improve Indian economy, Indian foods to list a handful of them.

Unfortunately, he died a sudden death soon one of his lectures, the cause of death is still very mysterious .

Its sad that the visual media has almost completely blacklisted this selfless young man, but its our duty spread his lecture through out India with the help of socialising sites and in every way possible. The best source is his Youtube lectures. Just search for "Rajiv Dixit" to know the TRUTH.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Magical Herbs

Cayenne Pepper is a miracle herb. It has been shown to stop heart attacks in 30 seconds flat, can hinder internal bleeding and induces cancer cell death without harming other cells. There have been reports where people who have had heart attacks and were lucky enough to have someone shove a teaspoon of cayenne pepper mixed with water down their throat the heart attack halted almost immediately. You can also improve your digestive problems, cramping, and bloating or blood circulation with Cayenne Pepper.
Cayenne pepper has the ability to move the blood which is it an essential element in cleansing the body. If your blood circulation is working at its peak your body is able to process waste material better. Cayenne pepper speeds up the removal of toxins from your body when you are participating in colon cleansing but when used as a regular part of your diet can have enormous health and ongoing cleansing benefits.
Cayenne pepper is very tasty and can be added to just about any vegetarian or savoury meal.

Cayenne Pepper can also be added to your first aid kit for its antiseptic and antibiotic qualities for cuts and burns.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Atomb Bomb and Mahabharata

Another beautiful and a must see video on the great Ancient Indian History, this video goes back to the Ancient Times trying to figure out if the people living in ancient India, had knowledge on advanced technologies? This video manly tries to uncover if "Atom Bomb" was really used in Ancient India! a claim which is will bizarre many. The Brahma astra "the ultimate weapon in Mahabharata explains in detail on the effects of the bomb, which is very similar to the effects of today's atomic bomb! for more watch this video. I am not posting this video to prove Hinduism is superior than other religion. I am still very much against today's organised "Religion" and this video has nothing to do with the present day's religion, this is about our glorious and yet to be uncovered glorious and proud past.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hare Krishna

This video will make any Indian proud! this is a documentary on the lost city "Dwaraka" Krishna's adobe!! History Channel has made this beautiful documentary. A BIG THANKS to their team for making this absolute beauty. These are solid proofs that the Indian civilization is as old as 35,000 and there will be little debate weather what is written in ancient Santa Dharma (today known as Hinduisim) was not just imagination of someone, this research has concluded that Krishna lived in our Indian subcontinent and he along with his people thronged the city of Dwaraka! more information is in this video about how advanced our ancestors were. Though it doesnt bring a conclusion to many of our doubts, it certianly ads more spice to the Ancient Indian Science and the mystery surrounding it. Where they more sofesticated than our modern inventions? did they have an atomic bomb? was the city attacked in aircraft? did they encounter with any aliens? how did the city vanished under the sea? more infos and spice in this documentary, will keep updated on these topics.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Science in Temple

This is a "facebook share" which I felt is defiantly worth sharing 

Scientific Reason :

There are thousands of temples all over India in different size, shape and locations but not all of them are considered to be built the Vedic way. Generally, a temple should be located at a place where earth's magnetic wave path passes through densely. It can be in the outskirts of a town/village or city, or in middle of the dwelling place, or on a hilltop. The essence of visiting a temple is discussed here.

Now, these temples are located strategically at a place where the positive energy is abundantly available from the magnetic and electric wave distributions of north/south pole thrust. The main idol is placed in the core center of the temple, known as "*Garbhagriha*" or *Moolasthanam*. In fact, the temple structure is built after the idol has been placed. This *Moolasthanam* is where earth’s magnetic waves are found to be maximum. We know that there are some copper plates, inscribed with Vedic scripts, buried beneath the Main Idol. What are they really? No, they are not God’s / priests’ flash cards when they forget the *shlokas*. The copper plate absorbs earth’s magnetic waves and radiates it to the surroundings. Thus a person regularly visiting a temple and walking clockwise around the Main Idol receives the beamed magnetic waves and his body absorbs it. This is a very slow process and a regular visit will let him absorb more of this positive energy. Scientifically, it is the positive energy that we all require to have a healthy life.

Further, the Sanctum is closed on three sides. This increases the effect of all energies. The lamp that is lit radiates heat energy and also provides light inside the sanctum to the priests or *poojaris* performing the pooja. The ringing of the bells and the chanting of prayers takes a worshipper into trance, thus not letting his mind waver. When done in groups, this helps people forget personal problems for a while and relieve their stress. The fragrance from the flowers, the burning of camphor give out the chemical energy further aiding in a different good aura. The effect of all these energies is supplemented by the positive energy from the idol, the copper plates and utensils in the *Moolasthan*am / *Garbagraham*. *Theertham*, the “holy” water used during the pooja to wash the idol is not
plain water cleaning the dust off an idol. It is a concoction of Cardamom,*Karpura* (Benzoin), zaffron / saffron, *Tulsi* (Holy Basil), Clove, etc...Washing the idol is to charge the water with the magnetic radiations thus increasing its medicinal values. Three spoons of this holy water is distributed to devotees. Again, this water is mainly a source of magneto-therapy. Besides, the clove essence protects one from tooth decay, the saffron & *Tulsi* leafs protects one from common cold and cough, cardamom and *Pachha Karpuram* (benzoin), act as mouth fresheners. It is proved that *Theertham* is a very good blood purifier, as it is highly energized. Hence it is given as *prasadam* to the devotees. This way, one can claim to remain healthy by regularly visiting the Temples. This is why our elders used to suggest us to offer prayers at the temple so that you will be cured of many ailments. They were not always superstitious. Yes, in a few cases they did go overboard when due to ignorance they hoped many serious diseases could be cured at temples by deities. When people go to a temple for the *Deepaaraadhana*, and when the doors open up, the positive energy gushes out onto the persons who are there. The water that is sprinkled onto the assemblages passes on the energy to all. This also explains why men are not allowed to wear shirts at a few temples and women are requested to wear more ornaments during temple visits. It is through these jewels (metal) that positive energy is absorbed by the women. Also, it is a practice to leave newly purchased jewels at an idol’s feet and then wear them with the idol’s blessings. This act is now justified after reading this article. This act of “seeking divine blessings” before using any new article, like books or pens or automobiles may have stemmed from this through mere observation.

Energy lost in a day’s work is regained through a temple visit and one is refreshed slightly. The positive energy that is spread out in the entire temple and especially around where the main idol is placed, are simply absorbed by one's body and mind. Did you know, every Vaishnava(Vishnu devotees), “must” visit a Vishnu temple twice every day in their location. Our practices are NOT some hard and fast rules framed by 1 man and his followers or God’s words in somebody’s dreams. All the rituals, all the practices are, in reality, well researched, studied and scientifically backed thesis which form the ways of nature to lead a good healthy life.

The scientific and research part of the practices are well camouflaged as “elder’s instructions” or “granny’s teaching’s” which should be obeyed as a mark of respect so as to once again, avoid stress to the mediocre brains.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The ORIGINAL American History

The American Indian Holocaust, known as the “500 year war” and the “World’s Longest Holocaust In The History Of Mankind And Loss Of Human Lives.”
Death Toll: 95,000,000 to 114,000,000

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Torture camp in modern cities -- SCHOOLS

Education is not scoring good marks in exams. It is a process through which a whole generation is transformed towards a better future. The atmosphere of a school is very important than the syllabus a student studies. its teachers regardless of the class which they teach is very important than the syllabus the kids are taught.
A student who is brought in a good atmosphere, that is, where the school encourages him to explore his talent is a blessed soul! in India its a rare scenario, unfortunately the schools and the parents want their student to be like a dead, ugly, robot which just memories notes and vomits into the answer sheet, in general our education system makes a student to memorize things, it isn’t education, its "memorization".
Today Education in general is proportional to your memory power, schools forces a students to repeat exactly what is there in the book, giving no freedom to them to write in their own step, this is the first process to make his brain dead! The purpose of education is not to get into the top university of your country. Education should help kids to think, not memories. Let there be more innovations which makes life simple and easy, let there be more people in the kind of Steve Jobs and not human beings in the form of  his machine Students are made to draw alphabets, not learn them, students are made to by heart their syllabubs understanding them is definitely a "secondary thing". Many Schools act like a concentration camp for the young kids, in the 2007 alone 63 students committed suicide everyday!
The mental trauma which a student goes through in a normal Indian educational system is very very unfair, cruel and a child abuse in more than one way. Every individual is different, I can assure you that a "dum student" is not as dum as the teacher who tags him as dum is, but once at an young age when a student is made it believe that he is a dum kid, and good for nothing, he will surely be a dum human very soon, by saying he is dum over and over again, (which is an affirmation of kind which hypnotist use to install confidence in their client, it can also work in the opposite direction) he gets into the process of being dum, which is a crime. Because now the schools, and others surrounding him have killed the child's confidence and have successfully destroyed a part of the child's future without even bothering to check in what way is he talented, can a maths scholar pass a micro biology semester? can a physics understand and explain Shakespeare’s sonnet? the same way our creator has not designed every kid to understand algebra and chemistry and physics.
The real dum people are the parents of the kids and the real dummer is the teacher who tortures them and put their kid through various pressure situations to improve his marks

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The importance of a proper presentation

This is so awesome. Please take a moment to read:
A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule.

A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping, and continued to walk.

A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.

The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.

In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.

Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and priorities of people. The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?

One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be:

If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Another New Innings

Wishing all my fellow bloggers and visitors a very happy and prosperous new year. Wishing you all a very very happy 2012, may this year awaken the best in you. I hope to do a whole of things this year as always :) will be starting with paying more attention to my physic which,though is rookie, is getting better now!

I am looking forward to learn more on music, drawing arts and learning French. Learning French has always been in my wishlist I will be doing my best and make sure that this is the last time I write French in my wish list. Other than this I need to buy a pro camera and get into photography and should get flex my business brains. All the best to me and you
