A good hand in boxing and some basic kicks such as front kick, Knee Kick or Roundhouse is enough to keep the big fellows in the streets at bay, while talking about a good hand in boxing it doesn't mean that you should be an expert in boxing but definitely good at some of the basic and simple boxing moves such as jab, hook, upper cut and elbow, just knowing the application of these moves wont do, anyone who searches these keywords online will know the application and effect but until you practice it very often if not daily you cannot claim to have learned it. Going through these moves wont take you more than 30 minutes from your daily. 30 Full, Quality minutes is a great investment from your everyday life, if it can safe guard you from some really vulnerable situations isn't it?
My advise and a thing which I keep repeating to myself is K.I.S.S, no don't kiss you opponent in your street, even though there are chances that he may not harm you thinking that you are mentally unfit ;) K.I.S.S is Keep It Super Simple!! a term which I read in a marital art article :) yes keep it as simple as possible, basics of Boxing Punches and a couple of kicks practiced over and over again will increase your chances of emerging as a winner in the real battle field, rather than byhearting a bunch of choreographed moves in the streets.
Have a look at this video, though I have posted it in my previous entries, I cant post a better example for this blog, check this video
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