Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Don't Fight

A friend of mine asked what will I do if someone attacks from behind? this is a question which I was asked the most number of times on Martial arts and he went on and asked what will I do if some one points a gun on you?.. well there is little or nothing can be done in a similar situation except to hope for the best, through there are a new bread of Martial arts which promises to defend even attacks from gun? I hope you would have seen it and the impression given over it is "Practical" I personally believe it only creates a false sense of security in you. It should be appreciated for the fresh outlook which it has managed to pump into Martial arts but coming back the question can one really defend against Guns and other lethal weapons? if you ask me, the answer is no!! but then What is the point in learning Martial arts if one cannot defend himself against Guns? I believe there is a point in learning Martial art in spite of some of the loop holes which it cannot manage. In General a Martial artist is looked as a "Hero" and a black belt is glorified as a Super Human, nothing less than that (ask any black belt about the reception he gets when he reviles his identity) I have personally seen some black belts who are incapable of fighting outside there Dojo, I have even seen some run, but hold on I advise my students to run as well, because I don't dub anyone as a Super Human or creative a false sense of security, cause each every person who comes to me to learn some techniques or even to get my tips on Martial arts are valuable to me. So only advise them about what can be practically done. 1. if you are alone and if there are a dozen of them ready to charge at you (if this is the case then seriously check your character :) ) the best option is to talk with them, try to start a dialogue, try pacifying them and ask them the reason. if there are half dozen guys preparing to take on your then it should be relating to some action which you have done in the near past. cause there is little chances of half a dozen bugglers waiting to empty your pockets, it wont happen unless you are the richest man in the continent :) I would suggest my team to try talking out with them but there is no need to panic (I know its easier said than done) there are methods to deal with a panic situations which we will discuss in another blog. Never let them know that you are taken by surprise, try solving the issues without getting into a brawl, always remember that you cannot spend more time in the streets facing the counter of attacks of their gang, even if you thrash them as the roughs can, but there are situations where there is not place to hold dialogues and fighting is the only way to move forward, like in case of theft or being assaulted, some of your friends are attacked by a group of people, or if a violent mob catches us when you are least expected but unless there is a need never invite for a fight, fighting is definitely no the first option, don't let you ego over take the situation and don't let you panic to surrender yourself, if possible you can also flee from the location that is if there are half a dozen of them with stuffs to Rock you! but you cannot afford to run all time, at time you might be with you friends and family, if you have practiced you moves and if it is in your muscle memory then trust me there is nothing to worry, but if you are trained to win just for sporting medals then you yourself will come to know who was better after the fight.

So coming back to the story, I don't advise my students to brave a gun or knife, in some classes I have seen a Senior master explaining on television that "A guy can swing a knife in only 4 ways and we will teach them how to block and counter attack them" according to me never set you frame of mind on the fact that a guy can swing his knife only in 4 possible ways!

And what is the point in learning martial arts if the it cannot be applied all the time??
Answer is: What is the need of military personals trained for years when a countries has N-Bomb?

Like any other stream Martial arts too as its on complications and minus but its always better to learn something rather than facing the streets empty handed but it would be better if that "something" is realistic and easy to apply more importantly not to "cinematic"

for inspiration check out this video

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