Mutthai Muralidharan has done something something which no other bowler in the history of International Cricket can do in the next century, at least that is how I predict according to the amount of Test Cricket that has been played in these days. Starting his last test match with 792 Wickets which its self is a record by miles (previous best is 712 Wickets) Murali had set a goal to reach 8 wickets in his final test against the Might Indian Batting order. According to Murali "800 is just a number" but to his millions of fans all over the world, 800 Wickets is a statement and a story of inspiration to a generation of Lankan Cricket Lovers
No other celebrated icon in Cricket would have been so much scrutinized as much has murali because of his "illusion Chucking" bowling action, though his actions has been examined and cleared in Australia (where all these controversy started) he still continues to face the scrutinziation by some cricketers, commentators and by laymen and the man how has done his best in insulting and demoralizing his the best is the Indian Left Arm Spinner Bishin Sing Bedi. He has called him everything from a pot chucker to a javilin thrower, though he has not the only one who criticizing Murali, he has done it and sent the message to all the viewers as possible in TV shows and he has not even sparred the Indian offie Harbhajan Singh. There is a saying which goes like this "there is no treatment to Bladness and Jealously" and Bishin Singh bedi's attitude has been a classic example of that. After Murli successfully taking 800 wickets bedi had complimented Murali has a gentleman though he doesn't agree with his action but after branding him as a chucker for over a decade this compliment was like pissing in the ocean but still thank god he had the courage to call Murali a gentlemen. But things started to get ugly as the spat between Murali and Bedi started to share their views in the media soon as he gave an interview to a news channel post his retirement Murali had said that "bedi should look himself in the mirror" and he was a very ordinary bowler, had he been during in the present era he would have been smacked effortlessly. Murali's action has be cleared by ICC and there no one is going to take away his wickets away. Bedi who seems very restless, may be because of the praise the present day spinners are getting these days!! had claimed that chucking is even worse than match fixing, yes it is very true chucking is indeed worse but what we have to look here is what the report suggests about his bowling action.
Very few people knows that Muralidhran has different body anatomy, all his three brother share an incredibly flexible wrist and Murali in particular has an slightly rigid forearm and a flexible shoulder as well, a combination of these will naturally make is action like a chuk but the fact is because if wrist, fore arm and shoulder it creates and illusion that he chucks the ball with effort, the following video which I have posted will in detail explain you about what is what about his action It is okay for a layman to accuse his because of his action but it is irresponsible from a legendary former cricketer like Bishin Singh Bedi to still critizise Mural for his bowing action, no sensible critic of the game will continue to this kind of non sense in spite of clearance from ICC and after explaining the reason for his bowling action. In this video Ravi Shastri has brilantly explained what is what in Mrualidhran's action and former Australian Batsmen Michal Slatter has given his testimony on Murlai's bowling action, thank God I came across this video or else even I would have been in a dialema over my analysis with Muralidharan's action and most probably would have ended by both supporting and criticizing his action. Have a look at this video before making your final decision over the action. Lets all hope that Bedi comes out of his ego or wrong analysis or at least let him prove that his is right. I even once remember once beshin singh bedi saying that after taking a wicket the Indians are celebrating too much that it makes one wonder like the bowler celebrates like "how did I GET THE WICKET
Beginning a new beginning of pebbles completely worked out by me :) check out "Nialo" in the labels for my of pebbles -Sensitive, Sensible, Provoking and Magical I have also defined it as magical since I have no conscious method of bringing out words through me, it jus happens like that..Nialos is my own thoughts, experience and something else in the form of Pebbles in the an Atom ORIGINALLY BY ME :) My first Nialo
In the final stages of getting closer to the target you will see the last rays of resistance which can be defeated just by a fragile push, nothing more is needed and nothing less will do ORIGINALLY BY ME :)
Burqa is getting set to be banned in France. People from all over the world are in a debate on and off the television sets criticizing the French government, the government has already banned the use of religious symbols in educational institutes, symbols such as cross, scarf and head bands,through there are quite a large number of people supporting the ban, mainly the people in France. I would say it needs a gutsy administrative group to make such a decision at this point of time. I see Burqa has been a symbol of self imposed exile status chucked to a women, many disagree with but its an individuals ulitmate right to do what he and she thinks is right but what is the message a women give out when she wears a burqa?. Is'nt it a clear symbol of a male chauvinism, even though some feel that "Burqa prevents women from harassment and it is done on safety grounds" but how can anyone say that today? How rude to say that? for how long should a women be in a protecting gere? for the next 100 years? 200 year ? or another century? if there is some problem for the women in the society that issue should be addressed and soughted out, instead we are turning a blind eye to the problem by just looking one side of the problem. the root cause should be deleted, cutting the branches will only make it strong.
There is no second opinion on the fact that women needs protection in a society but burqa is definitely is not the answer. I am glad that at least everybody is talking about the burqa. When there are hundreds of people saying that you cannot force a women not to wear something, the people should also remember that there are places in the world where wearing burqa is compulsory, there should be more attention given to that issue. We should respect women as they are, you cannot cage her like a bird for the sake of safety, a bird should be free to fly and face its own life, to our convince, we cannot keep a bird in the cage, we should have the time to let it roam free and take care or else we should never own a bird. There are women who feels comfortable in wearing a burqa and it is because they have been so much influenced with the conditioning and the information passed on to them in ages that they feel it is mandatory, let them continue that way. Thank God it is not mentioned in the Quran that Burqa is compulsory had it been that way then a bigger part of the women will be in a self imposed exile for the rest of their lives. Every women should be given equal rights and nothing should divide them from doing what a man can do in today's society, especially on the basis of religion. A lady during the debate in a T.V said "The phrase be Rome in roman simply cannot be accepted because the world has civilized a lot today" very true but if there should be no compulsion in banning a burqa then there should be no compulsion in forcing a lady to wear a burqa as well. By Nature's Law the only place they lack while comparing to men is physically but the mental weakness is caused by many holy men who have down the ages seen women only as a second fiddle. goddamnit
A friend of mine asked what will I do if someone attacks from behind? this is a question which I was asked the most number of times on Martial arts and he went on and asked what will I do if some one points a gun on you?.. well there is little or nothing can be done in a similar situation except to hope for the best, through there are a new bread of Martial arts which promises to defend even attacks from gun? I hope you would have seen it and the impression given over it is "Practical" I personally believe it only creates a false sense of security in you. It should be appreciated for the fresh outlook which it has managed to pump into Martial arts but coming back the question can one really defend against Guns and other lethal weapons? if you ask me, the answer is no!! but then What is the point in learning Martial arts if one cannot defend himself against Guns? I believe there is a point in learning Martial art in spite of some of the loop holes which it cannot manage. In General a Martial artist is looked as a "Hero" and a black belt is glorified as a Super Human, nothing less than that (ask any black belt about the reception he gets when he reviles his identity) I have personally seen some black belts who are incapable of fighting outside there Dojo, I have even seen some run, but hold on I advise my students to run as well, because I don't dub anyone as a Super Human or creative a false sense of security, cause each every person who comes to me to learn some techniques or even to get my tips on Martial arts are valuable to me. So only advise them about what can be practically done. 1. if you are alone and if there are a dozen of them ready to charge at you (if this is the case then seriously check your character :) ) the best option is to talk with them, try to start a dialogue, try pacifying them and ask them the reason. if there are half dozen guys preparing to take on your then it should be relating to some action which you have done in the near past. cause there is little chances of half a dozen bugglers waiting to empty your pockets, it wont happen unless you are the richest man in the continent :) I would suggest my team to try talking out with them but there is no need to panic (I know its easier said than done) there are methods to deal with a panic situations which we will discuss in another blog. Never let them know that you are taken by surprise, try solving the issues without getting into a brawl, always remember that you cannot spend more time in the streets facing the counter of attacks of their gang, even if you thrash them as the roughs can, but there are situations where there is not place to hold dialogues and fighting is the only way to move forward, like in case of theft or being assaulted, some of your friends are attacked by a group of people, or if a violent mob catches us when you are least expected but unless there is a need never invite for a fight, fighting is definitely no the first option, don't let you ego over take the situation and don't let you panic to surrender yourself, if possible you can also flee from the location that is if there are half a dozen of them with stuffs to Rock you! but you cannot afford to run all time, at time you might be with you friends and family, if you have practiced you moves and if it is in your muscle memory then trust me there is nothing to worry, but if you are trained to win just for sporting medals then you yourself will come to know who was better after the fight.
So coming back to the story, I don't advise my students to brave a gun or knife, in some classes I have seen a Senior master explaining on television that "A guy can swing a knife in only 4 ways and we will teach them how to block and counter attack them" according to me never set you frame of mind on the fact that a guy can swing his knife only in 4 possible ways!
And what is the point in learning martial arts if the it cannot be applied all the time?? Answer is: What is the need of military personals trained for years when a countries has N-Bomb?
Like any other stream Martial arts too as its on complications and minus but its always better to learn something rather than facing the streets empty handed but it would be better if that "something" is realistic and easy to apply more importantly not to "cinematic"
Da vinci code is an awesome movie which I came to see only recently. I was desperate to get my hands on DVD but for some strange reason very much like the movie itself I was able to see it only 7 years after its realize. though I knew that it was a kind of Anti Church movie (which was the main reason I wanted to grab the DVD) I dint knew the exact content of the movie until I saw it myself. Dan Brown has proved that he is the master of suspense at least in this present era, my friends told me that the book far better than the movie itself!! but I have no patience to read of fiction so I decided to stick with the movie itself.
The movie was widely criticized by Christians mainly the Catholic part of them. The Vatican condemned the movie and hundreds of Fathers asked their followers to boycott the movie for "Inaccuracies in the movie" but Dan Brown has sticked to his content and in his words he has said "99 percent of it is true. All of the architecture, the art, the secret rituals, the history, all of that is true, the Gnostic gospels. All of that is … all that is fiction, of course, is that there's a Harvard symbologist named Robert Langdon, and all of his action is fictionalized. But the background is all true."
Now that seems to be a bizarre claim by the author, it shakes the very foundation of Christianity. It show Jesus and Mary as companions in other words husband an wife!!!!!!!!! This particular information is said when the an Old Man, Sir Leigh Teabing a Grail Historian (Ian McKellen) explains a Da Vinci painting of the last supper to sofie (the last heir of Jesus Christ, not relived then) that what people think to be as John is actually Mary!! and this is only the begin of the bashing scenes which is later seen in the movie thorough out. I wonder how a religious Christian Family would have watched the movie in theaters!! Dan Brown later explains in the movie how Christianity was formed out of pure violence, forcing, killing and destroying people who where not following their faiths and how free thinking women were killed because of their anti church attitude. Though I had some knowledge on how Christianity started to evolve in the beginning the claims which I saw in the movie stunned me but confirmed my sources It also said that a secret agent formed by the Vatican is on the run to destroy Jesus' heir apparent and they are committed to kill them so brutally that even their DNA doesn't exist. In a particular scene when the movie nearing climax, a Father asked if the killing of the hear isn't a crime for the which the father replies. Jesus sacrificed his life to well being of other humans in earth (not the exact quote) in sense telling that if Jesus had sacrificed his life there is no harm in killing the heir apparent.
As the Vatican tries its best to find the heir there is a parallel society which is committed to save the heir but the highlight of the movie is the heir himself/herself is not aware of the fact that he is part of the Royal Legacy of Jesus Christ. The only thing which is said to be fiction is the part played by Tom Hanks as a symbologist, who finally finds out who the real heir is but since he is not that Genius he finds the help of an old friend Sir Ian McKellen who is a British Grail Historian is too interested into exploring the mysteries. He believes that the secret should be reveled so that the whole world can be freed from the clutches of the Church and their monopoly in the society.
This is one of the best movies you will ever see if you are ardent fan of Thrillers and Suspense but the movie can be equally disturbing if you are a religious Catholic Christian and my deeply cause a wound in your heart as the movie deeply shakes the foundation of Christianity and says that the most famous story ever told is lies!! so decide it yourself as most of them would have watched the movie. I believe in Dan Brown's version on Christianity since there is a high possibility of his "Fiction" to be true. Though I am almost a decade late in writing the review of a movie. I feel the author Dan Brown, Writer for the movie Akiva Goldsman along with Dan Brown, Director: Ron Haward, Actor: Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou, Producer Brian Grazer, Ron Howard again and John Calley along with other co actors Ian McKellen, Alfred Molina, Jürgen Prochnow, Paul Bettany, Jean Reno and others have done a good and braved the curse of their churches and the people behind the scens ofcourse without them nothing would be been completed.
Full marks to the crew for making the most controversial movies of our time and thank Ron Haward especially for directing this wonder! it may be taken to market on the controversies but still worth applauding
Kudos to the little girl, this must inspire many girls in the city!! watch this martial art kid (check out her uniform when she enters) makes the man who comes to assault her RUN for his money. Have a look and Get Inspired
This video will show a glimpse of what the Ancient Indians were capable of, some brush it aside as Mythology, but after having some close look at the evidence provided in videos such as this and after coming across various books and other materials to support the "Myths" such as this one giving some very very vital informations the Vimanika Shastra (Science of Aeronautics) from Archeological Sites, its hard to ignore them as pure myths. This is just the tip of the Ice Berg. I will be blogging more on things related to such mysteries, for the moment, enjoy this video. So that when the next time you brush aside something as pure myth, make sure you are very sure
I love Kyokushin Karate, the brute force which they produce and demonstrate in their Tournaments are spectacular, in spite of avoiding the boxing punches they are lethal and more than all these clips are very motivating. I take this opportunity to thank every who has posted Kyokushin clip in Youtube. The stories, legends, Images and the Videos of Mas Oyama and team will surely inspire many generations to come. Thank you for the inspiration Master Mas Oyama and to hundreds of Sensei's, Sempai's and Shihan's who are dedicated to Kyokushin. This is what a Martial Art practiced in a Tradition Way with full contact can cause. Mas Oyama who is the Chief Founder of Kyiokushin Kai is no more among us but he through his works has the dynamite to ignite Millions of youngsters who want to take up Martial arts. Mas Oyama is consedered as one of the strongest person to ever walk in the planet! IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO VIOLENT CLIPS THEN DO NOT WATCH