Education is not scoring good marks in exams. It is a process
through which a whole generation is transformed towards a better future. The
atmosphere of a school is very important than the syllabus a student studies.
its teachers regardless of the class which they teach is very important than the
syllabus the kids are taught.
A student who is brought in a good atmosphere, that is, where the
school encourages him to explore his talent is a blessed soul! in India its a
rare scenario, unfortunately the schools and the parents want their
student to be like a dead, ugly, robot which just memories notes and
vomits into the answer sheet, in general our education system makes a
student to memorize things, it isn’t education, its
Today Education in general is proportional to your memory
power, schools forces a students to repeat exactly what is there in the book,
giving no freedom to them to write in their own step, this is the first process
to make his brain dead! The purpose of education is not to get into the top
university of your country. Education should help kids to think, not memories.
Let there be more innovations which makes life simple and easy, let there be
more people in the kind of Steve Jobs and not human beings in the form of
his machine Students are made to draw alphabets, not learn
them, students are made to by heart their syllabubs understanding
them is definitely a "secondary thing". Many Schools
act like a concentration camp for the young kids, in the 2007 alone 63
students committed suicide everyday!
The mental trauma which a student goes through in a normal Indian educational
system is very very unfair, cruel and a child abuse in more than one way. Every
individual is different, I can assure you that a "dum student" is not
as dum as the teacher who tags him as dum is, but once at an young age when a
student is made it believe that he is a dum kid, and good for nothing, he will
surely be a dum human very soon, by saying he is dum over and over again,
(which is an affirmation of kind which hypnotist use to install confidence in
their client, it can also work in the opposite direction) he gets into the
process of being dum, which is a crime. Because now the schools, and others
surrounding him have killed the child's confidence and have successfully
destroyed a part of the child's future without even bothering to check in what
way is he talented, can a maths scholar pass a micro biology semester? can a physics
understand and explain Shakespeare’s sonnet? the same way our creator has not
designed every kid to understand algebra and chemistry and physics.
The real dum people are the parents of the kids and the real dummer is the
teacher who tortures them and put their kid through various pressure situations
to improve his marks