The Russian court has banned the Bhagvat Gita, it is reported the the problem cropped up because of some catholic church's view, the Hindu's in Russia are protesting against the move and so are some Hindu's and lovers of Krishna back here in India. The Indian Government has strongly criticized the move and so did the opposition party. I would like to say the book was banned because of the violent content in the book, which they have thought could spread violence and in fear that it would spread hatred towards other religion, which is completely a stupid understanding of the Gita.
The book was written before any religion which is present in today's marketing world. The Russian court's view is actually difficult to understand because to the best of my understanding no Hindu Movement or Krishna's movement (on whom the book is based on) has till date planted violence in a foreign soil. 2. The book is not something which was released few years back to topple today religion, this is the oldest religious text that is available to mankind which enlights a man on his righteous work in his present life.
It is India's duty to inform to the world that the Gita is not a violent book, but there is no need to protest with the Russians to let them know this fact, its Russian court's ignorance and I feel sorry for the folks who have advised them to ban this treasure.
But the good thing is now more people in Russia, Europe and in the West will be aware of the book and the circulation of the the Bhagawat Gita would have gone up online and through stores. When people reads the book, they will come to know the brilliance of the Hindu Culture which was present in the Ancient days and more people will be chanting Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare Hare because the Russian Court.