MF.Hussain the great Indian painter is no more, people especially from the art industry feel that this is a big lose to the art industry. But there are many who are anti-hussain, which he earned during his naked paintings of Hindu diety during the mid 90's and later when he drew Bharath Matha naked. Though very Husain's fan may argue that he has every right to express his view in a free democracy, it takes just common sense to know that in a religiously delicate country like India, where religious groups are sadly let loose and waiting for a chance to explode no Indian patriot or a citizen who considered about his country would rate his art above the safety or peace of mind of his country.
Many questioned his intention when he accepted the citizenship for Qatar. His fans said its sad that the Indian Government din't do the needful to bring him back to the country but its actually out of his own action which made him to stay out of the country. I doubt if any responsible artist will let his mind go loose and draw naked paintings of deity and the Bharath Matha, especially in a communally sensitive country like India. Anyone can say that an artist has every right to express his artistic works and in a free country like India, anyone speak their mind. I am not against his artist creativitiy but when such comunal thugs exisits and when people are so sensitive about this issue, he should have rated and forseen the communal situation of his conutry than his artistic freedom.
In one of his interviews he has said that The Tax machinery in India is not favorable for his projects and he went to to say that even if he she (the interviewee) asks any big Industrialist he would say the same but the interviewee asked if that was the only reason to go in exile he said it was also one of many reasons to get out of the country.
No matter how expensive his art becomes, no matter how artistic his art is, if he couldn't forsee the calamity which easily could have escalated through his paintings then his art is of no great value.
He has made a fortune by painting Indian Mythology and I think he should have foreseen the communal thugs who are religiously brainwashed and politically motivated, because the people who often become the casualty during such disturbances are not the trouble makers or people in M.F.Husain's end, its the common people who are deeply disturbed in such cross fires.
But when so much people of his country feels offended by his paintings at least in respect he should have stopped painting such portraits and he should have changed is course as a responsible, peace loving Indian citizen.
Many foreign journals have come up strongly in support of him and blaming the present Indian cultural for being over sensitive. I wonder if this same MF.Hussain would have been spared by the people and by the journals themselves if he had drawn anything which would have disturbed their culture, or would Husain have the guts to continue drawing portraits of other religious figures, if some of them were felt offensive by the people where he was living exile? that is in Qutar, Dubai or London?
Though I don't really understand his paintings, I still admire his energy level, which he had in his 90's and his creativity which can be easily tagged as "unlimited". I couldn't believe that he was that old when I saw one of his interviews a few years back and was even surprised to know that he was still fit enough to ride and enjoy a Ferrari. Recently in one of the shows which discussed his death in exile a close friend of his said that actually his age was 100! since the date birth was not accurate in those days he had to stick with an official age which was 5 years young. In his youth he had selected art over other works, even if that pushed him for poverty.
His life and works will inspire millions of artists and others in the future and he has brought glory and importantly a market for the Indian art which is an Herculean effort, he is a globally celebrated artist and its a bit sad that he was caught in trouble in India. Though I don't share some of his views on art, I am still inspired by his works and enormous energy level. He was one one man who truly redefined age and was a living proof that health is always what your mind is