I request every to vote, if you are eligible you must cast your vote, telling stupid reasons like I don't care, who cares, what is the use only shows that you are lazy, idiotic citizen living just to waste your life as a human being, you should vote at lease to avoid a fake votes in your name, after all it is the easiest way to speak your mind to the state, a single vote is not going to vote any difference but together, every vote counts, every vote can make a difference, it sends a strong message to the politicians, we are not single, together we are the state, imagine if you are in a hardcore communist or a dictatorial state where people people dream of voting their leaders, ask your Burmese friend the hardships they face from the ruling military regime or ask a Nepali friend on how tough was their protest to bring their state to Democracy from the Monarch. Hundreds and thousands of people have died in the struggle to bring democracy to their country, after realizing this how can you lazily use the voting day as a paid holiday? In case of not casting vote, I think people should be finned, if a citizen of the country can be fined upto 250 Rupees for not taking tickets in trains or buses which he travels for half an hour, he should definitely be fined for not behaving responsibly. One common thing that is been said by many is none of the politicians are fair in my contituency, in that case he can go for section 14, this should never be the reason for not going to the polls, its usually these lazy people who sit in groups and complain the government and our political system, neither they have the time to vote nor the courage to make the change. what right do they have if they have not played any part in deciding the future of their state? a voting day can be considered as holiday, you can use the time to laze around but make sure the first thing you do is to be part of the greatest democratic exercise in the world. vote, its the most simple and powerful way to show your care and anger to the government which decides what you and your next generation must be doing. Stop blaming. Get Out AND VOTE
Posting some of the best videos on things which I always wanted to know. I knew that what we today follow as Hinduism is more than what is generally practiced today, I was told that all the rich mythological stories are nothing but pure science told in the format of stories so that it could be understood by everybody. In this video Sadguru Jaggivasudev clearly explains how of the generations have forgotten the science and have just passed on the stories, more interesting things are beautifully explained by Jaggivasudev, I will be posting more of his videos which are informative and worth sharing
1. Anti-oxidants where it helps prevention of oxidations, a process of destroying cells and contribute to aging. You don't want to look old? Then drink a coffee.2. Parkinson's Disease. Regular coffee drinking reduces the chance of having parkinson's disease. 3. Diabetes. Yup, one might think that is it possible to prevent diabetes? Yes you can with a cup of coffee that is less in sugar.4. Liver Cirrhosis. Some kind of damage that is similar when you're addict with the alcohol.5. Gallstone. Some research shown that coffee drinking can prevent gallstone formation in both men and women.6. Kidney stone in malay they call this "batu karang". Coffee increases the urine volume, preventing the crystallization of calcium oxalate, the most common component of kidney stones.7. Improved mental performance. Caffeine in coffee is a well-known stimulant. Coffee promotes alertness, attention and wakefulness. The cup of coffee can also increase information processing. 8. Alzheimer's disease. Regular coffee drinking may help to protect against Alzheimer's disease.
Recent study mice showed that caffeine equivalent to 5 cups of coffee per day reduced the build up of destructive plaques in the brain.9. Asthma. Caffeine in coffee is related to theophylline, an old asthma medication. Caffeine can open airways and improve asthma symptoms.10. Caffeine safety. In 1958, caffeine was placed on the Food and Drug Administration's list as generally recognized as safe.
Happy to let the world know that I have been certified as a Hypnotherapist. I have the permission to conduct Hypnosis on a person (of course only with his knowledge :P). The technique which I had learned is pretty old, I guess it was used atleset a couple of decades ago, but I am keeping tracking of the present trend where "instant hypnosis" happens. Tried some of the techniques which I was taught on my friend and the result was stunning, apart from putting a subject in deep trans and giving him suggestions I was also introduced to mesmerism, Visualization which is part of Alternative Medication, an important kind of Pranayama, Vipasana Meditation of Buddha's and some different kind of Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis by my master Lavanya, I have already started collecting things of all these fields and it easily helps one to achieve a Dream, a Desire of any kind, I have choosed some of the techniques which can be used with Law of Attraction process which I am practicing, I am soon planning to conduct classes and seminars on the "deliberately designing your fate, with power thoughts", Auto Suggestion, Self Hypnosis and Visualization are all very helpful and important subjects in Law of Attraction but will be doing all this only after I have enough confidence to put anyone in Trans within seconds and I am preparing by collecting facts and experimenting some of the core subjects and results which are fabulous and definitely worth teaching for beginners and practioners of Law of Attration. The more I dig on the working of the mind the more informative things jump up!! this is my final year in Psychology and by the time I complete my course I will be a experienced practicing Hypnotic. Hypnosis helps a person to quite bad habbits, do break the limitations which keeps him back, the trick as everyone knows is quite simple, make the consious mind sleep and intract with the subconsious but the trick lies in applying the tirck on the subject cause every subject in unique and it is not really possible to hypnotise everyone!! Before learning Hypnosis like many of my friends I do had a feeling of in security with hypnosis simply because I had seen in many movies that if I am in a Hypnotised state and if anythign happens to the man who hypnotises me then I will be permenently in that state, which was not true and I came to know some of the Myths like this only after interacting with my Master, incase if the Hypnotic fails to wake you from the sleeping state you will come back to the normal state soon or will wake after having a feeling of sound sleeps that is in a couple of hours and the most important things is unless you are convinced in quitting or chaning a certain behaviour in your life the hypnotic cant help you in majority of the cases, unless you co operate Hypnosis wont work. Have plans to set up Hypnosis and Law of Attraction school shortly