Thursday, June 24, 2010
Long Live Boxing
Testimony to of a full contact practitioner, this will happen only if your practice it in a full contact way, the boxer might have got some heavy blows in his training sessions and would have been down with injuries but its all worth it, if your are completely trained to win medals in a sports tournament then you will end up being one among the 3!! Long Live Boxing
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
In the Name of Almighty

The easiest thing or one of the easiest thing in the world according to me is convert a religious person into a fanatic, trust me its not that difficult task but there should be one criteria, he should be "religious" to the best of my knowledge no atheist has ever killed a bunch of people or burned an entire city or raped someone because he or they doesn't believe in what he believes in, existence of God is an entirely different debate. Only very recently I came to know the content of the "satanic verses" by Rushdie, astonishingly the book is very very head of his times, decades before religion mixed up with extremism. May be he smelled the rat before most of us! The book is very relevate today.
Religion has to be considered as an interpretation of something unknown, from different Geographies but if One decides to take it seriously then he will end up to be an nuisance to others because today many world religious BODIES are closely mixed up with politics and like the chaos theory which says even the fluttering wings of a butterfly is connected with violent volcanic eruptions, these members elected to the high religious status is confusingly and beyond doubt connected with international politics. So if you are religiously following the words of you religious head who is present today, then there are high chances that you are politically driven. I may sound like a cynical hypocrite but sicne this is a serious issue, I am okay even if my reputation as a "nice man" is hurt, I am stating are some raw facts!
Its a popular belief in South India that St.Thomas visited some parts of South India and have even made some Crosses with his bare hands, he is considered as the man who started preaching Christianity in India but then in the year '03, Pope the head of Catholic Church, considered as the most powerful religious head visited Pakistan and stated that St.Thomas has never gone beyond Western India during his days! "What the HELL?" many Christians who have heard this then would have asked to themselves, there are millions of people in India who believed and still believes that St.Thomas visited India! any one with a business minded or even with common sense can easily understand the reason for pope's shift, his present need may be is to get more people into his religion in the "Western India" now Pakistan!! there are very little religious heads who can act without political pressure and work with doing politics. The example of pope's shift is just some of the example, there are many bizarre stands and claims claimed by most of the powerful religious heads, they some how are not able to stick to the basic rules of a religious head, to renounce, that seem to be last word in the agenda and the first word while giving out advises to the masses, today world extremists are highly motivated through religious texts whether they are interpreting or misinterpreting is a different issue.
One major reason which I think is the reason behind religious hatred is when one follows a religious text he becomes so immersed in it and believes that
"who ever is not with the religion is against the religion."Sadly a religious text doesn't mention the existence of an other religion, the people who wrote the text would have never dreamed that connecting to people will be so easy though every religious person believes the people who wrote the scriptures knew everything. Had they know "everything" they could have avoided millions of deaths in the name of God. But since it was human beings who wrote things for the betterment of the society (though I don't completely agree with what many scriptures suggest) they never managed to foresee that world will shrinked to size of Giga Bytes and Tera Bytes one day.
These Scriptures should be seen in poetic view and some parts of it should not and cannot be judged with an analytical mind, comparing one with an other and selecting the best wont give a solution. Even if the whole is converted into a single religion the problem won't end.
Religion lies in the eye of the beholder, pretty much like "beauty" if you fight over the superiority over a religion and claim yours is the best it is pretty much like claiming
"the mirage which is visible to my eyes is the only one!!"Educated people and people with common sense are also not able to sense or look though this prism. Heaven and Hell are not any geographical places located on the outskirts of the Orbit, Heaven and Hell is what we make out of our life now and here, if we are not able to understand this simple concept and live together than we are not worth having our 6th sense. We will easily fall prey and continue to live our life flirting with danger and end our lives being a pawn in the hands of the evil who is not in hell but very much present in our modern society. Fortunately or unfortunately language is the only source of communication and I can tell only to "THINK" THINK AND THINK"
Another sorry state which is embedded with today's general psyche is punishing your friend for the mistakes done by you, it is considered as the best revenge, I guess the universal or the religious brotherhood has been misunderstood. At least educated and thinking people should understand the politics which happens behind the scenes. Religion should be a very personal relationship between you and the maker and it should never be carried on your sleeves, at least for the peace and harmony of the society. Its up to us to understand the trap, we should not fall prey to the moves of politicians and religious theories. Killing or hurting innocents for god's sake is utter foolishness, God is no racist to separate people on the basis of colour, place of birth or even faith. Hating itself is a human nature not God's way of responding, The almighty has nothing to prove and nothing to show, its always the people who interpret things in the best chaotic manner for vested interest and do things on blind faith, if killing a sect of people is seen as a way to please lord then he must be the biggest racist, sadly that is how many people believe. bombing and killing innocents is answer to nothing but it only raises more question on how religion has indirectly spoiled humanity!! of course through misinterpretation that is why I say indirectly. You can trust a man who says "My Way or No Way" but think twice when a man says "My Way is the ONLY WAY and all the others lead to Hell" If I have an option to label the religious conversions, I will suggest the above caption to label them
if lord is the almighty he will do things to protect himself there is no need for us to kill our fellow beings to satisfy the almighty.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
My Club, My Home
My long time passion Martial arts, ever since I saw Bruce lee walking on the wall in the climax fight of Enter the Dragon when I was 4, I was hooked but couldn't learn Martial arts because I was too young, later I pursued my dream when I was 10 and took it seriously when I was 16. Since then I always wanted to teach, teaching something new to an other person was always a great feeling. Now after so many years and experience in Martial arts I want to run a club of my own and another main reason which strongly made me to dream about this is after looking at so many MARTIAL ARTS INSTRUCTORS, I always felt I can do better than them, I always felt that my quality is better than them and seeing them always made me but unlike many of them I want this to be a realistic self defense club, I say realistic because I sincerely believe that most of the martial art techniques which one learns in the traditional way helps very little in a real life fighting situation. Thank god I am into Kickboxing which is very realistic with no fancy moves, the techniques simple, straight and mainly practical which can be easily converted to a muscle memory move because unless its in your blood you can do nothing but freeze in fear in "Real situation" the moves should be practiced in such a way that it is in tune with your unconsciously and that is the also another reason why I decided to add more flavors in my club, apart from Kickboxing and realistic self defense techniques I am going to teach Aerobics, Cardio workouts and Yoga Asanas to get people in shape without taking any pills but of course with some quality diet and let me remind you that I am qualified to teach all of the above arts :) so that makes it a clean, quality, crisp blend of Self defense and Fitness and that is not the end, I have started learning NLP, which I think is a great thing to uncover our true potential and the combining that with Meditation I will be able to produce a great package Mind Workouts which is more important than anything else, a good mind can achieve anything it targets but the complication is in making the mind "good" even if we are to uncover one third of our potential from our mind we can do "wonders". Wonders is a word which is often used to describe something great, but when I say "wonders" here I really "wonders'' and with some more quality arts to add, my club will be a combination of self defense, fitness and fitness to mind. I will be into training NLP only after I am completely qualified to do so, which might take some time and I think I will be able to complete my dreams in a span of 3 to 4 years from now. By the time I will be having more experience in Martial arts, fitness and in NLP and more importantly I will be enrolling in the Reebok Fitness Instructors course which will give me a better idea on fitness and Cardio workouts. Arts which I plan to teach in my club is Kickboxing, Aerobics, Cardio Workouts, Yoga Asanas and Meditation and NLP initially I will be starting in my dear Madras and then to Pudhucherry and then all over
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Empty Space
there are rarely any visitors in my blog, came to know that after adding some feeds to it, but I still love writing for the love of writing and for the love of blog and blogger. I once again sincerely thank Google for the space they are providing to people like me, though they make money out bloggers, its the blogger who enjoys the most with the amount of Google products and the ever improving gadgets by them. Coming back to my topic, this place sounds like a big empty ground, hallooooooo... lol but this is how every stadium sounds before the crowd gets in. I know the crowd is searching for my stadium, once they get the address the will be making all the needed buzz and at the moment I am glad that I have no visitors because I am not sure if I can tackle the problems caused my some of them are harsh blogs in my entries. So till the time comes I will be blogging and this particular blog will be part of history once I am through! If I can dream it, I can surely get with ease :)
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Though the players where out partying their heart out (cause of some really good looking girls in the center) the real big party was out there in the center, the "electrifying atmosphere" which the commentator often describes on TV show be felt t

no one in Chennai can hate Sachin even if he is playing for PakistanCSK VS MI, CSK went on to win the match in spite of scoring a low total, Tendulkar retired in the middle of his inning cause of the heat, heat plays a major role in Chennai. Allan Border has dehydrated in the famous only tied match in Test Cricket which happened way back in the 80's he has even said about the now infamous "cooum" and the strong spell in brings with the wind during the breeze. Coming back to the present match the heat set things for CSK, the newly laid stands much like Lords didn't to much to cool down the players in the middle the main reason for the design of the new laid stand was said to bring in the cool breeze from the sea shore but on that electrifying match the heat turned the hero for the local team CSK and that changed the tempo, MI lost quick wickets and by the time Tendulkar was back the match was almost out of MI's reach and just the previous match CSK had lost to Kings XI in a final over, celebrities such as Trisha was also there to feel the most highly alderine pumping match in the IPL season 3, though CSK later settled scores with them in a must win match in Dharamshala, Dhoni took CSK from the jaws of defeat scoring 17 runs in the last 4 balls! and that was hitting an another nail in Kings XI coffin, that was the only chance for them to win the 3rd game of the tournament the memories of "how close yet so far" would have been in many peoples mind atleast for those who and visited the ground to see that match and coming back to the present match Tendulkar was a threat to CSK but even he couldnt do much because of the mess caused by the MI's middle order and eventually Tendulakar got out by trying to accelerate the score, he was successfully caught in the Long on meters away from the boundary line. Tendulkar got out and the crowed erupted a rare sight in Chepauk!
Tendulkar getting out and the crowd erupts a rare site at Chepauk, the last pic..this happens only if he plays for Mumbai Indians!!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Bible Stories Recreated through Google

Amazing, Outstanding, Stunning work by Sydney based creative artists "The Glue Society" recreated how Bible stories would be through Google's Earth! superb works!! Enjoy. First picture is of the crucifixion, Jesus, Roman soldiers and others.
Second Picture is a view of the Adam and Eve's Garden, can you spot Adam and Eve in the picture? even they are wonderfully illustrated!
Third one is the Noha's Ark, looks stunning with clouds. The final one is the majestic of all Parting of the Red Sea, were Moses is talking the people across. Wonderful Creations, Spectacularly illustrated, they are in the process of creating more such Bible stories, it will be a treat to look at!
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